Thursday, August 7, 2014


Carole did a great job of  guiding me to a place within myself of relaxation.  I will definitely use these techniques in the future and share them with the staff.  The first technique she used was a great experience.  I seen myself putting my worries in the tub and closing the lid.  Then I watched as Jesus carried them away because He is my peace. The last technique Carole taught me how to take myself to a place that that I could visually see and imagine.  I was relaxing on a beach with my husband, feeling the constant breeze and watching the kids and grandchildren playing and having fun. I love being with my family. They are the greatest blessings in my life though I have many: great friends, two of which are very special to my husband and I, a job I enjoy, and good health.  Life is good!


My employees have great enthusiasm.  They love helping others.  Technology training is in the future.  This will allow them to fully serve our patrons.  I believe I need to recognize and reward my staff more often.  I definitely need to plan a staff day.  I think they will really enjoy it.  I want them to feel good and successful about their job and their abilities, as well as, know they are appreciated.  I do try to do this, but I am sure I need to do it more often.  My plan is to find creative ways to recognize them, for example, we will have a field trip to the  Indie Author Signing next year because they have showed interest in this.  We have grown closer as a team this year and I will continue to present activities and staff days that will make us the most effective team we can be.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Everyone wants to climb the ladder and know they matter!  Building and keeping trust with employees is very essential to evaluating staff.  Letting them know you appreciate the things they accomplish and do well is very important and you are there to help them grow, improve, and succeed.  Using performance evaluating forms to constructively recognize and criticize is a way to help your staff help themselves and make sure the library offers the best service and resources, as well as a safe, clean, and welcoming library for patrons.


I think Staff Days are a great idea.  I have not been having them, and I am definitely going to start.  I think it will be positive and effective for my staff and me and our library.  I have been getting great ideas at PLMI!